63.6°F 0.0 mph 70%
Weather Conditions in Moraine. Just South of Dayton, OH
07/27/24 3:10a
39° 41' 30" N 84° 12' 20" W Elev. 728 ft
Current Conditions:
Temperature 63.6 °F Dew Point 53.6 °F Humidity 70%
Wind NE (39°) at 0.0 mph Beaufort 10 Min Hi Wind 0.0 mph
Barometer 30.124 in Trend Steady Heat Index 63.4°F
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr Daily Rain 0.00 in Storm Rain 10.00 in
1 Min Wind Avg 0.0 mph 2 Min Wind Avg 0.0 mph 5 Min Wind Avg 0.0 mph
Wind Speed
Dew Point
Heat Index
Wind Chill
Rain Rate
Today 70.5 °F
63.6 °F
4.0 mph
30.135 in
30.121 in
57.0 °F
53.0 °F
70 %
62 %
70.0 °F
64.0 °F
0.00 in 0.00 in/hr
0.00 in/hr
This Month 94.8 °F
54.3 °F
41.0 mph
30.284 in
29.605 in
78.0 °F
48.0 °F
94 %
31 %
109.0 °F

54.0 °F
3.34 in 8.86 in/hr
This Year 96.9 °F
2.9 °F
41.0 mph
30.803 in
28.997 in
79.0 °F
-5.0 °F
110.0 °F

-8.0 °F
20.45 in 15.16 in/hr

1 - As used here, a "storm" begins when .02" of rain has fallen in a 24-hour period, and continues until 24 hours pass without .02" of rain.

Above template provided courtesy of GaryTX @ WXForum.Net

Conditions over the last 24 hours

Rain Today   

High Wind Speed History   Barometer History

Temperature History   Dew Point History

Wind Chill History   Heat Index History

Click for Moraine Monthly Summaries since August 2004

Grlevel3 Local Radar

Grlevel3 In Close Radar

Regional Radar Loop courtesy Intellicast

Satellite Loop courtesy Accuweather.com